Tuesday, April 17, 2012

one thing needed vs. many things

If you are a mom and a lover of Jesus I am sure this will resonate with you. Actually, if you are alive and breathing and love Jesus this will probably resonate with you.

*If by some slim chance I am the only one, Lord lease help me! :)

I am a list maker. Not that all of the things that go on my lists actually get done, but I make lists, none the less. It helps me to get all the stuff thats in my brain out on paper. Does you brain ever feel jumbled and full?? When I wake up the listing in my brain begins.

Make bed. Get dressed. think i should do p90x. Fix breakfast. need to mop . Do dishes.Talk to Jesus. Change diaper. try to read bible. ***someone calls MOM!!!***.Pickup toys. need to empty dishwasher. wonder if we have enough money. Talk to Jesus. Fold landry. Feed Rabbit. nurse baby. check email. check etsy shop. work on new prints. change diaper. read to karis. put hosanna to sleep. read bible. feel unworthy. talk to Jesus. change diaper. call eric. eat lunch. do dishes. pick up toys again....AHHHHH. and it continues....

Today my brain was feeling a little overwhelmed. There is a big difference in knowing the truth and walking in it. Financially this last month has been tight. Completely out of our control, but tight. Around the house there is a constant lis of "need to do's".Jesus has provided enough. He has supplied what we need. I remember momentaily that I have what I need, but more listing begins.

Karis needs shoes. Our bathroom needs to be finished. I need to have a garden. We need to pay off our credit cards from the house renovation. We may need another vehicle soon since our car has 170,000 miles. We need to sell our rental house. Our rabbit needs a house outside. Eric needs a raise. Need. need. need.
Before I know it, I have convinced myself of a lot of things that I need. Some of them are legitimate. Some of them are wants.

But what do I really need?

If you know eric and I, you know that one passage that we treasure is Luke 10:38-42. We feel like it gives such a clear picture of what response that Jesus wants from us. What posture He sees that I need in my life.

38 As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. 39 Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he taught. 40 But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, “Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me.”
41 But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! 42 There is only one thing needed. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.”
So many times I get caught up in legitamate needs and duties. Sometimes I get caught up in things that don't really need. I allow both the legitamate and illegitamate take me away from the one thing that is needed. I have found that when I am running around like martha, even if it is only in my mind, the one thing that I really need gets neglected.
According to Jesus, the posture of my life should be that of mary. Sitting. Listening. Being with Jesus.
Don't misunderstand me-- the mopping must be done. clothes must be washed... etc. But in comparison to all other things that have to be done, sitting with Him is the one thing that is needed. I need water to live. I don't need Coke. I need air to live. I don't need a house. I need food to stay alive. I don't need dessert. I drink coke. I have a house. I LOVE dessert. But they aren't needed to survive. If the mopping doesn't get done...we will survive. If I never have dessert again...I will survive ...* I think, lol*. But water. I can't live without it. Air. Can't live without it. Food. Have to have it.
Life at His feet. I NEED it. There are many things I can concern myself with in this life, but only one that is needed.
And so, today I am reminding myself again, let go of themany things for the ONE thing. In the midst of everything, quiet yourself and be with Him. Shut down the list and listen to Holy Spirit. He's waiting.
Until next time my friends!
Love you

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