I really do love Jesus.
I really love sitting down with the Word and my journal and talking to Him.
I really love having my little blocked out hour(s) with Jesus.
With one child it was completely doable everyday. But I have 2 kids:)
And the truth is, I RARELY get that blocked out time anymore.
With 2 kiddos-- one who is still nursing -- that BLOCK just dosn't fit in anymore.Hosanna--my 14 month old little beauty- takes ONE nap a day, for one hour.
In that hour, there are so MANY things to be done -- housework, etsyshop upkeep, emails, phonecalls, laundry folding, toy pickup, reading with Karis...etc.
The block doesn't work.
So I say, I'll just get up early. Everything will be quiet.
It can be just me and Jesus.
Nobody will need their bottom wiped. Noone will need lunch. Noone will be asking any questions.
Well-- it's was great idea, in theory.
And it WOULD work EXCEPT that Hosanna still sleeps with us and nurses to go to sleep and nurses several times through the night.
This littl snugglebug does not like when I get up...or she wakes up! Glorious.
Scratch that idea- at least for now.
So I have given up on my "block" with Jesus,
but what I have found in its place are some sweet moments with Jesus.
When I am washing dishes, I talk to Him.
When I'm folding laundry, I pray over the kids and my husband.
When I am cleaning the toilets I ask Jesus to come and clean me up again.
When I am changing diapers I pray over hosannas feet, that she woul walk in paths of righteousness and that she would walk with the Lord all the days of her life.
When I am making beds, I pray that He would send revival.
My relationship with Jesus is more than a block of time anyway.
Its about how I respond to Him each moment.
How Iopen my heart to Him in the mudane, everyday, normal life.
And to be honest, my best Bible reading usually happens when I'm in the bathroom...lol
I know you can relate as a mom!
It is a freeing thing to not be trapped by the idea that my time with Jesus has to look a certain way.
He just wants my whole heart. All the time.
All I want is more of Him.
All I want is to hear whats on His heart.
All I want is to be a mom that my kids can say, I know she loved Jesus because she talked to Him all the time.
Do I fail? Yes.
Do I get too wrapped up in life some days?? Oh yes.
But His grace is sufficient for me to walk out being a mommy and a lover of Jesus andan incredible wife!!
One prayer at a time. One moment at a time.
The season of the block has ended...Thank you Jesus!
Being aware of his presence and where He is moving all day long is much more important than striving to have the perfect Bible study time. Thank God he sees us where we are and still longs for a relationship with us.
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