Friday, April 27, 2012

I Want Jesus in My Heart

Last night we made a trip out to Lowes to look at some flooring for our rental house.
Four hundred and some odd dollars and an hour later we are heading to the parking lot.

Its 9:30pm.
Hosanna is past tired and really dirty from crawling around on the floor in Lowes.
I know-- that's gross.
I NEVER let her crawl around ANY store but it was late and we were taking a long time to pick flooring...
so she got a treat. Ha. Wish I would've taken a picture.
Seriously-- Lowes needs to mop.

We get out to the car and Eric is strapping in Hosanna, who is crying, and I am putting karis in and her seatbelt on when she says a few little words I will never forget.

"Mommy, does Jesus live in my heart?"

She's 4. She's fascinated over Jesus and that He died on the cross and came back to life.

She memorized her first Bible verse last week.

If you ask her to tell you about Jesus-- you'll get the full bloody story-- nails, whips, blood and all. You'll also get a childs perspective of how great it was that He came out of the tomb!

I answered her and said, "Jesus can live in your heart if you ask Him."

She said that she  did want to ask Him.

And so in the parking lot of Lowes, in the car with a screaming baby, Karis asked Jesus to come into her heart and to wash away all her sins.

It wasn't at an "altar".
It wasn't at a church service.
There was no music, since our radio is broken.
There had been no sermon given.

Just the sweet prompting of HolySpirit whispering to her heart.
And her responding YES to that still small voice.
Her choice is an answer to our prayers over her life.
She chose Him at 4.

Lord Jesus would you raise up a generation that would choose you at 4.
Would you set their hearts on you God.

I stand amazed again at the goodness of the Father.
In awe at how He draws us to Him and just desires our heart.

Because at the end of the day. When it's all been said. When it's all been done .
And when the race is won. Our lives willl come down to love.

Karis, mommy and daddy are so so proud that you have given your life to Jesus.
May He make you more like Him everyday.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Love of My Life --(Besides JESUS of course!)

God is so know,  how He already has things figured out way before we even think to ask for them, or know we're going to need them?!?

Wanted to rewind and introduce my other half. Truely, most days I feel we share the same brain. Although he is completely happy going to sleep in an unmade-knot of covers-messy bed and I am not, most other things we agree wholeheartedly upon. Granted, our personalities are on 2 ends of the spectrum : He is cool as a cucumber and let's little bother him...I am a little more on edge about life in

This March Eric and I were marred 7 years. Its hard to believe how quickly the time has passed! The years of serving the Lord together have brought us closer together and closer to Jesus.
Who would have ever thought that us meeting at a summer camp would change our lives forever?

I was dating someone else at the time Eric and I met.

I was 17 and it was my first boyfriend. I was attending college at Liberty University and would come home every weekend to travel  and lead worship with our band. You know when you hear Holy Spirit ask you to do something. Its quiet but heavy. Its a whisper but echoes within you. He asked me to break up with my boyfriend. At 17, when you've only had one boyfriend, that request is kind-of a BIG deal, ya know.

I resisted at first but after a dream and a confirming word from someon who idn't even know me I heeded the voice of the Lord. It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. In the moment, my boyfriend was crushed and didn't understand. I couldn't say that I completely understood either. I just knew what He said and I needed to obey.

Little did I know, just weeks later I would be dating Eric and in 4 months be engaged. It was one of those marking moments in my life where I was at a fork in the road and my decision would alter who I ended up marrying and ultimately where I am today.

Simutaneously, as I had heard the voice of the Lord ask me to break up, Erics girlfriend had heard the some thing. It's funny how God works, isn't it? Always giving us choice. Giving us freedom to hear Him and obey or not.

And so began the story of us. Of course, there are way more details but I don't want to bore you with

After 7 years I love Eric more than I ever thought possible. His heart for Jesus and  great capacity to love people is what captured my heart. The same things keep my heart drwn close to him. His pursuit of the Father challenges me to pursue Him. His patience with people challenges me to be patient. His dilligence in his work--whether scrubbing toilets or managing men-- teaches me  to be dilligent. He is completely given to Jesus and in that has completely given himslef to raising our family in the fear and admonition of the Lord. He makes mistakes, of course, but he has a heart after the Father.

I am so thankful that God has given me to him and him to me. Some nights when I am so confused or so hurt or so sad...He always gets it. Like I said...maybe we share a brain:) 

I love you Mr Mcbride. Whatever may come, may we hold hands through it and keep looking to Jesus, where our help comes from. For real, we have lived for richer for poorer, with air condition and without, with HEAT and without, with friends and without, with a car and with out, scrubbing toilets or being a manager, fussing babies or smiling ones, moment of crushing and moments of strength, and the list will continue.... He is enough for us. He gives and takes away but His love never fails! Thank you or being a true reflection of His love to your family and the world. May our lives remain true to this quote by David Brainerd

"I care not where I go, or how I live, or what I endure so that I may save souls. When I sleep I dream of them; when I awake they are first in my thoughts…no amount of scholastic attainment, of able and profound exposition of brilliant and stirring eloquence can atone for the absence of a deep impassioned sympathetic love for human souls."

Until next time my friends <3

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My House Favorites Wednesdays!


That means I get to show you some more of my favorite things around the house!

Ready? LET'S GO!

The first thing that I love is this....

My $2 Thrifted little bunny.
I'm no sure what exactly it is that I love about him...
but he has found a place in our home!

On to number 2...

This little picture from goodwill!

We have it hanging in the girls room.
Reminds me of alice in wonderland for some reason!!
Oh, to go back to the flower picking days...

And last but not least....

This old quilt my grandma gave me.... I love love love it!

I hung it up because it's gotten so much love its a little fragile...
Its hand quilted and so beautiful!!

Well, guess thats it for today!
Have any thrifted finds that you just LOVE??

Until next time my friends!!


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

one thing needed vs. many things

If you are a mom and a lover of Jesus I am sure this will resonate with you. Actually, if you are alive and breathing and love Jesus this will probably resonate with you.

*If by some slim chance I am the only one, Lord lease help me! :)

I am a list maker. Not that all of the things that go on my lists actually get done, but I make lists, none the less. It helps me to get all the stuff thats in my brain out on paper. Does you brain ever feel jumbled and full?? When I wake up the listing in my brain begins.

Make bed. Get dressed. think i should do p90x. Fix breakfast. need to mop . Do dishes.Talk to Jesus. Change diaper. try to read bible. ***someone calls MOM!!!***.Pickup toys. need to empty dishwasher. wonder if we have enough money. Talk to Jesus. Fold landry. Feed Rabbit. nurse baby. check email. check etsy shop. work on new prints. change diaper. read to karis. put hosanna to sleep. read bible. feel unworthy. talk to Jesus. change diaper. call eric. eat lunch. do dishes. pick up toys again....AHHHHH. and it continues....

Today my brain was feeling a little overwhelmed. There is a big difference in knowing the truth and walking in it. Financially this last month has been tight. Completely out of our control, but tight. Around the house there is a constant lis of "need to do's".Jesus has provided enough. He has supplied what we need. I remember momentaily that I have what I need, but more listing begins.

Karis needs shoes. Our bathroom needs to be finished. I need to have a garden. We need to pay off our credit cards from the house renovation. We may need another vehicle soon since our car has 170,000 miles. We need to sell our rental house. Our rabbit needs a house outside. Eric needs a raise. Need. need. need.
Before I know it, I have convinced myself of a lot of things that I need. Some of them are legitimate. Some of them are wants.

But what do I really need?

If you know eric and I, you know that one passage that we treasure is Luke 10:38-42. We feel like it gives such a clear picture of what response that Jesus wants from us. What posture He sees that I need in my life.

38 As Jesus and the disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. 39 Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he taught. 40 But Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, “Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me.”
41 But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! 42 There is only one thing needed. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.”
So many times I get caught up in legitamate needs and duties. Sometimes I get caught up in things that don't really need. I allow both the legitamate and illegitamate take me away from the one thing that is needed. I have found that when I am running around like martha, even if it is only in my mind, the one thing that I really need gets neglected.
According to Jesus, the posture of my life should be that of mary. Sitting. Listening. Being with Jesus.
Don't misunderstand me-- the mopping must be done. clothes must be washed... etc. But in comparison to all other things that have to be done, sitting with Him is the one thing that is needed. I need water to live. I don't need Coke. I need air to live. I don't need a house. I need food to stay alive. I don't need dessert. I drink coke. I have a house. I LOVE dessert. But they aren't needed to survive. If the mopping doesn't get done...we will survive. If I never have dessert again...I will survive ...* I think, lol*. But water. I can't live without it. Air. Can't live without it. Food. Have to have it.
Life at His feet. I NEED it. There are many things I can concern myself with in this life, but only one that is needed.
And so, today I am reminding myself again, let go of themany things for the ONE thing. In the midst of everything, quiet yourself and be with Him. Shut down the list and listen to Holy Spirit. He's waiting.
Until next time my friends!
Love you

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My House Favorites Wednesdays

Starting something new on the blog this week...Gonna share with you some of my favorite things around our house!!

So ...lets go!!

First thing that I love...OUR CHALKBOARD WALL!!

The girls both love it, as you can see by all the lovely scribbles. Over to the left you can see Karis' crosses from where she wa telling us the Easter story:) If you have kiddos, the chalkboard paint is a great investment!! I am so glad I decided to paint it in the kitchen!!

Second thing I LOVE...

Our art-from-my-parents-old-fence:) This is a line from one of our favorite songs, "More Than Ashes" by Merchant Band. Its my great reminder everyday to refocus on what really is important and why we're really here. Listen to the'll change your lfe:)

And last but not least for this wednesday....
my little ladies:)

I love them. They keep me on my toes and keep me trusting Jesus, because at the end of the day, I really have little to give them apart from Him.

Love you guys...what are some of your favorites in your house!!


Friday, April 6, 2012

The Lord is My Shepherd

Have you ever read a scripture that you've read a hundred times or more and you read it again. And then it just HIT'S you in a way it has never hit you before?

Psalm 23. I have few words for this ncredible passage of scripture. The revelation of who Jesus is and how He feels about us and what He gives us...yeah. It's all in this little passsage-youv'e-heard-a-million-times-since-you-were-a-kid-in-sunday-school.

I don't think I'll ever be quite the same.
Passages like these have changed my life

"I shall not want...[ I shall not lack....I have everything  need]"

"He refreshes and restores my [ soul]"

"I will fear or dread no evil, for You are with me"

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies"

This is Jesus.
The Good Shepherd.
My perfect leader.
In Him, I will lack nothing.
I have no need to fear ANYTHING.
Although my enemies may surround me, He has prepared a banquet for me.

He is so good.
He is better than any other leader.
He is wiser.
He is stronger.

And His concern is for ME.

Again. I have no words.

Read it again if youhavent in a while. I pray you see Jesus again as He is.
Our good good shepherd.