I can't believe it! Guess I should do a quick catch up!!
Our Karis Rayne is 4. Four!! Already?!? I keep saying that to myself. She has such a happy heart...and such a funny little imagination. She has 3 imaginary friends, who make their appearance most days - Monster, Zoe and Dabby. Monster was stuck in a tree out in the backyard for about a week recently. I tried to get the "fire department" to come, but Karis insisted that at her birthday party, he could jump down if all her friends were out there. And He did. Bet he was hungry after a week in a tree! She loves to play outside, pick flowers, tell hosanna what to do and help in the kitchen. She has started to help unload the dishwasher now-- thats her "job to do". The time has surely passed quickly.
Zanna, Zanna, Zanna Hosanna...our smiley, cool-as-a-cucumber, still nursing ALL night little lady. Her toothy grin brings a smile to our little family and everyone she meets. She follows karis EVERYWHERE! She has grown so much since her first days in the NICU last year. She's still a petite little thing, but keeps us on our toes. She has rejected the traditional way of crawling and scoots around like a little chimpanzee. It is really HILARIOUS! She is always investigating, always picking up something off the floor to eat, yuck, and talking in gibberish. She has brought another ray of light into our lives.
Don't know what I did before these two little beauties:)
Well, I know the floor got mopped more often. lol
We have spent the last 2 months working outside on cleaning up the yard...much progress has been made-- Eric has cleared out most of the jungle" that surrounded the house. Maybe we'll get to have a garden...*maybe* . We've started painting the outside of the house...it has really needed it! Now it looks like we actually live here!!
This year has met us with financial challenges, spiritual challenges and health challeneges. Karis has been sick every month since october. Asthma...allergies...bronchitus...sinus infections...antibiotics...Without insurance all this adds up quickly. We also found out that the couple that rents our other home will be moving. A lil more financial pressure. Then we received an $800 electric bill this last month. Yeah. $800. Really. A little more pressure. And all of those things seem to be the icing on the cake of what has been this year. But in this verse I have found refuge:
No matter what the pressure may be, because our lives are given to Jesus, the pressure is WORKING FOR US! Money may come and go. Illness will come and go. But Jesus remains faithful. He remain at the right hand of the Father praying for us!! And that is and encouraging thought in the midst of what could be discouragement. He is so faithful.
Until next time my friends:)
No matter what the pressure may be, because our lives are given to Jesus, the pressure is WORKING FOR US! Money may come and go. Illness will come and go. But Jesus remains faithful. He remain at the right hand of the Father praying for us!! And that is and encouraging thought in the midst of what could be discouragement. He is so faithful.
Until next time my friends:)